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Spell of the Yukon

Это - канадский фильм, выпущенный A National Film Board of Canada в 1996 году. Длина - 43 минуты.

Текст с обложки:
Смешивая историю и личные изыскания, режиссер Рита Рой отправляется на поиски своих призраков - прадеда и дядьев, которые оставили ферму в Квебеке, уехав копать золото на Клондайк. С чувством удивления она обнаруживает, что эта местность до сих пор вибрирует легендами, и люди по-прежнему вымывают здесь золото. Пока она бродит с ними по ручьям, Рой начинает ценить власть этой грубой, но в то же время изумительной дикой местности.

По ходу фильма Рассел зачитывает 10 отрывков из стихов известного канадского поэта Роберта Сервиса - девять строф стихотворения "The Spell of the Yukon" ("Чары Юкона") и одну строфу из "The Mountain and the Lake" ("Гора и озеро") - которые пронизывают весь фильм.
Аудиофайл вы можете скачать с Russell Crowe Heaven (нажмите на ссылке правой кнопкой мыши, и сохраните как/right-click and save as please).

А вот текст в том порядке, в котором Рассел его зачитывает (в оригинале порядок строф другой).

There's a land where the mountains are nameless,
  And the rivers all run God knows where;
There are lives that are erring and aimless,
  And deaths that just hang by a hair;
There are hardships that nobody reckons;
  There are valleys unpeopled and still;
There's a land - oh, it beckons and beckons,
  And I want to go back - and I will.

I wanted the gold, and I sought it,
  I scrabbled and mucked like a slave.
Was it famine or scurvy - I fought it;
  I hurled my youth into a grave.
I wanted the gold, and I got it -
  Came out with a fortune last fall, -
Yet somehow life's not what I thought it,
  And somehow the gold isn't all.

No! There's the land. (Have you seen it?)
  It's the cussedest land that I know,
From the big, dizzy mountains that screen it
  To the deep, deathlike valleys below.
Some say God was tired when He made it;
  Some say it's a fine land to shun;
Maybe; but there's some as would trade it
  For no land on earth - and I'm one.

The summer - no sweeter was ever;
  The sunshiny woods all athrill;
The grayling aleap in the river,
  The bighorn asleep on the hill.
The strong life that never knows harness;
  The wilds where the caribou call;
The freshness, the freedom, the farness -
  O God! how I'm stuck on it all.

I've stood in some mighty-mouthed hollow
  That's plumb-full of hush to the brim;
I've watched the big, husky sun wallow
  In crimson and gold, and grow dim,
Till the moon set the pearly peaks gleaming,
  And the stars tumbled out, neck and crop;
And I've thought that I surely was dreaming,
  With the peace o' the world piled on top.

You come to get rich (damned good reason);
  You feel like an exile at first;
You hate it like hell for a season,
  And then you are worse than the worst.
It grips you like some kinds of sinning;
  It twists you from foe to a friend;
It seems it's been since the beginning;
  It seems it will be to the end.

They're making my money diminish;
  I'm sick of the taste of champagne.
Thank God! when I'm skinned to a finish
  I'll pike to the Yukon again.
I'll fight - and you bet it's no sham-fight;
  It's hell! - but I've been there before;
And it's better than this by a damsite -
  So me for the Yukon once more.

The winter! the brightness that blinds you,
  The white land locked tight as a drum,
The cold fear that follows and finds you,
  The silence that bludgeons you dumb.
The snows that are older than history,
  The woods where the weird shadows slant;
The stillness, the moonlight, the mystery,
  I've bade 'em good-bye - but I can't.

I know a mountain thrilling to the stars,
  Peerless and pure, and pinnacled with snow;
Glimpsing the golden dawn o'er coral bars,
  Flaunting the vanisht sunset's garnet glow;
Proudly patrician, passionless, serene;
  Soaring in silvered steeps where cloud-surfs break;
Virgin and vestal -- Oh, a very Queen!
  And at her feet there dreams a quiet lake.

There's gold, and it's haunting and haunting;
  It's luring me on as of old;
Yet it isn't the gold that I'm wanting
  So much as just finding the gold.
It's the great, big, broad land 'way up yonder,
  It's the forests where silence has lease;
It's the beauty that thrills me with wonder,
  It's the stillness that fills me with peace.

Имя Рассела за весь фильм упоминается только один раз - в конце, во время последнего отрывка.

Сценарист, режиссер и рассказчик этого фильма, Рита Рой, была монтажером фильма For the Moment.

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